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Please find information and documentation below relating to safeguarding in the benefice.


You can access the Church of England Safeguarding Training portal by clicking here. You will be required to create an account using your own email address in order to participate in the training. If you are a member of a PCC you are required to complete the 'Basic Awareness' course.


These booklets are produced by an independent Christians Charity  CCPAS (now known as thirtyone:eight) as a resource for anyone who is concerned about how to respond to a variety of safeguarding situations. They give short, easy-to-understand summaries of common topics and practical advice on the steps to take.

General Safeguarding

Help: I'm a safeguarding co-ordinator

Help: How to respond to an allegation of abuse

Help: Someone I care about was abused

Safeguarding Vulnerable adults

Help: Safeguarding Adults

Help: I was abused as a child

Help: Caring for people with dementia

Help: How can I support someone who self neglects?

Safeguarding Children

Help: Keeping a disabled child safe

Help: I want to teach my child personal safety

Help: My child has been abused

Help: I want to work safely with children and young people

Help: How should I discipline my child?

Help: How can I support a child who has been abused?

Help: I need someone to talk to

Help: Online safety

Help: Understanding Under Age Sex

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