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The Sunday Breakfast


Sunday brunch

Every month we meet in Henton Village Hall & Christ Church, Coxley to share breakfast and brunch together.

The breakfast is free - and you can help yourself to a bacon roll, cereals, or toast alongside juices and tea or coffee. We seat people at small tables so that it does not feel awkward and there is always somebody on the door to greet you as you come in.  There is a quiz on the table if you want to challenge your brain, just for fun! If you come with children, there is always an activity based on the theme of the day for them to join in with. People chat as they eat breakfast.

There is a short reflection on the theme of the day and a time of prayer afterwards.

Our team provide this service as they are passionate about connecting our communities and bringing people together.

First Sunday of every month from 9am, Henton Village Hall, BA5 1PD

Fourth Sunday of every month from 10:30am, Christ Church, Coxley, BA5 1RG

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