Although we are saddened to see that public worship will not be permitted during this second lockdown we affirm that everyone, including the church, needs to be willing to make sacrifices in order to keep the most vulnerable in our communities safe.
As Christ Church Henton will remain open for private prayer (with limited opening hours) may we remind you that it is not possible to say with certainty that our benefice will be safe from Coronavirus. As with any activity at this time, there is an element of risk. However, we are putting in every effort to reduce the risk as much as possible.
We will still be providing our online content and Zoom services and, as ever, we will be praying for you and the communities you live in. Remember that God is with us and has given us hope that cannot be extinguished - not even by a time of separation - hope of a restored world, hope in the faithfulness of God, and hope in God who loves us.
Regrettably, we continue to suspend all our mid-week activities and Tiddlywinks toddler group but will continue to review this periodically.
These are still anxious and uncertain times, with the Coronavirus reminding us that we are not in control of our lives. In the midst of all this, one thing is certain: Jesus is Lord, he is still in control and has won the victory over sin, death, sickness, and ultimately Coronavirus. With that in mind, we should be aware but not alarmed, prepared but not panicked.
This doesn’t make life any less difficult at this time but provides us with hope, hope that all need to hear. This is our time to give hope to those who are afraid and to hold onto the hope we have.
All of our resources to help you worship, meet with God, and stay connected to your church community can now be found here.
To see what safety measures we are putting in place to keep everyone safe within our churches, please click here.